EALE Statutes

Article I
The European Association of Labour Economists is hereby established with scientific aims.

Article II
The general purpose of the Association is to initiate and coordinate measures of international collaboration designed to assist the advancement of knowledge in the field of labour economics in Europe and elsewhere. The Association is envisaged as a broadly based organisation in which all schools of analysis would exchange views and ideas on current and prospective research. The Association will encourage the organisation of international conferences and workshops; promote the study and application of labour economics; form working groups to further research on particular topics; collaborate with other international groups concerned with labour issues; and facilitate translation and publication.

Article III
The Association shall consist of individual and institutional members who join the Association by direct application.

Article IV
There will be a General Assembly meeting of the association every year. The Assembly will review the general policy of the Association. Decisions will be taken by a simple majority of members of the Association present and taking part in the vote.

Article V
The Association shall be administered by the Executive Committee. The President of the Association will also be President of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee is responsible for the implementation of activities meeting the general purpose of the Association as specified in article II.

Article VI
The Executive Committee consists of the President, 12 elected members, the Editor in Chief of the journal of the association and up to 5 additional members who may be co-opted by the Executive Committee in order to ensure that the committee functions efficiently or is representative of the membership. The President and the members of the Executive Committee shall be elected by a ballot of the members of the association. Each individual and institutional member shall have one vote. The President shall be elected for a three year term. The President shall not be eligible for more than one term. One third of the membership of the Committee shall be subject to election each year, for a three year term. Members of the Executive Committee will be eligible for a maximum of two successive 3 year mandates in the function of Committee Member. The Executive Committee shall meet at least once a year. Decisions of the Executive Committee shall be taken by a majority of those present, subject to a quorum of 5. The President shall have a casting vote.

Article VII
The Executive Committee shall appoint a Secretary from its membership who shall be responsible for the operation of the Secretariat of the Association, under the authority of the President.

Article VIII
The Executive Committee shall appoint a Treasurer from its membership. The Treasurer shall be responsible for supervising the receipt and disbursement of moneys on behalf of the Association, and for the preparation of an annual statement of accounts and estimates of future expenditures to be submitted for approval to the Executive Committee.

Article IX
The Executive Committee shall submit to the General Assembly a report of the general financial position of the Association.

Article X
The Executive Committee is responsible for administering membership in the Association. It may refuse applications for membership if it considers that these are in contradiction with the aims and purposes of the Association. Such decisions may be reversed on appeal by a simple majority at the next General Assembly.

Article XI
The General Assembly shall, on the recommendation of the Executive Committee, establish the subscriptions to be paid by individual and institutional members.

Article XII
The Executive Committee may draw up for approval by the General Assembly working regulations which are in conformity with the Statutes of the Association.

Article XIII
Any amendment to the Statutes shall require a two-thirds majority of all those voting in a postal ballot. Proposals for such amendments which have the written support of at least 10 members of the Association may be submitted to the Executive Committee.

Article XIV
Transitional article. The Executive Committee elected in 1993 will, notwithstanding the provisions of Article VI, have mandates as follows: the 4 candidates receiving the highest number of votes will be considered elected for three years, the 4 receiving the second highest number for two years, and the 4 with the lowest number of votes for one year. Mandates of less than 2 years will not be taken into account for the purposes of the restrictions on the number of mandates indicated in Article VI.

Revised statutes 22-03-2019